Jan 13, 2008

Macaroni and Béchamel Sauce - معكرونه بالبشاميل

معكرونه بالبشاميل:
صلصةالبشاميل :
المكونات :
-- ثلث كوب طحين
-- 4 ملاعق كبيره من الزبده
-- 3 أكواب من الحليب
-- ملح حسب الذوق
-- رشه من جوزة الطيب
الطريقه :
1. حمّصي الطحين في القدرالى ان يصبح ذهبي اللون. هذه الخطوة تعطي الدقيق نكهه جميلة تشبه طعم المكسّرات
2. اضيفي الزبدة ، أمزجيها مع الدقيق على حراره منخفضه
3. أضيفي الحليب تدريجيا مع التحريك المستمر
4. إضافة الملح والفلفل حسب الذوق مع التحريك المستمر لمنع الخليط من التكتل. تصل الى سمك المرجوة. يمكنك ان تضيفي المزيد من الحليب اذا كان الخليط سميكا.
5. اضيفي جوزة الطيب

المعكرونة :
نصف كيلو غرام من اي معكرونه من اختيارك
جهّزيهاحسب التعليمات المرفقه على العلبه
صلصه الطماطم واللحم:
-- ربع كيلو من اللحم المفروم
-حبة بصل كبيره
- زيت الطهي
-1 ملعقه صغيره من كل من الزعتر البري المجفف والريحان المجفف
- ملح وفلفل اسود ، البهار حسب الذوق

يطبخ اللحم مع قليل من الزيت و يضاف البصل المفروم. تضاف إليها التوابل.
أخلطي اللحم مع معجون البندوره. أضيفي الماء الساخن ، أضيفي الاعشاب وأطبخيها لحوالى 20 دقيقه لتتسبك
تغلي المعكرونةحسب التعليمات على العلبه
ضعي طبقه من المعكرونه ثم طبقه من صلصة البشاميل و صلصة البندوره مع اللحم و أعيدي عمل الطبقات الى الأنتهاء من كل المواد
رشي الجلن المبروش على الطبقه العلويه من صينية المعكرونه.
أخبزي في فرن ساخن على درجة 200 مئويه الى حين تغيّر الوان الحلفه الى البني و الوجه مشوي بلون مشهّي.
قدميها ساخنه و صحتين

Macaroni and Béchamel Sauce
Béchamel Sauce:
- 1/3 Cup Flour
- 4 Tablespoons Butter
- 3 Cup Milk
- Salt to taste
- Sprinkle of Nutmeg
1. Cook flour until it becomes a golden color. This step gives the flour a nice nutty flavor
2. Add butter, melt over low heat flame and mix well with flour
3. Add the milk very gradually and blending thoroughly
4. Add salt and pepper to taste stir constantly to prevent the mixture from becoming lumpy until it reaches the desired thickness. You may add more milk depending on the consistency you are looking for.
5. Add the nutmeg

- ½ KG Pasta of your choice
- Boil according to cooking directions on the bag

Meat and tomato sauce filling:
-½ a pound ground beef
-1 large diced onion
-Cooking oil
-1 teaspoon each of oregano and basil
-Fresh parsley, optional
-Salt, black pepper, allspice to taste

Cooking directions:
-Mix the cooked beef with tomato paste, hot water, add the herbs and cook for about 20 or until the sauce has cooked taste.
-Add the meat sauce mix to the pasta
-I usually microwave it for about ten minutes, to give it this cooked taste.

Assembly of the dish:
1- In the baking pan, mix the half of the macaroni with 1 cup Béchamel Sauce- I add more than one cup, I like it creamy and full of the sauce flavor.
2- Add the mix of the tomato paste and the ground beef over the macaroni.
3- Keep on making layers of the macaroni, béchamel sauce and meat until you are done with them.
4- You may sprinkle the top with grated cheese of your choice.
5- Bake in a 350 Fahrenheit degree oven until the edges and the top turns golden brown color.
6- Serve hot.


Qwaider قويدر said...

HAHAHAA .... My Bechamel is waaaaayyyyyy better :) :)
But, thanks for the cooking idea, I think I'm making bechamel the real yummy way.

The bechamel is really prepared ddifferently. But, if this suits you. Then ... you have to taste mine to know how much batter it is .. :)

Anonymous said...

Yummy, ya Summer! Was there a measurement for the tomato paste, or just until it looks right?

Neat idea about browning the flour. That, plus the nutmeg, is what must make your recipe stand out.

Plus, it's from you. Miss you around your blog. Hope all is well. :)

Hani Obaid said...

Qwaider, don't just say it's better, share the recepie !

Mimi Cooks said...

Qwaider, you should have listed your recipe here.

Mimi Cooks said...

Kinzi, as you know, i do not measure when i cook, but i add enough tomato sauce for the dish to make it look right, lest say about couple of large tablespoons of paste, diluted with water.
Nutmeg is a major ingredient that is usually added to white sauce always. just a hint makes a huge difference.
Thanks for coming by. i have been well but busy a bit. :)

Mimi Cooks said...

Hani, :)

Anonymous said...

Here's is mine (Arabic)

Mimi Cooks said...

Qwaider, Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hi just wondering if you have a recipe for kusa bechamel can't seem to make it right....im syrian married to an egyptian. thanks from housewife who never knows what to cook. aka hala

Mimi Cooks said...

Hala, the recipe is an easy one. here you go, you will need:
-Kusa, about half a kilo or more, depending on your family size.
-ground meat (beef or lamb) cooked with diced onions and your favorite spices, such as salt, black pepper, allspice and so on.
-Bechamel sauce, according to my directions in the video.
-cut Kusa lengthwise, empty the inside from the pulp.
-cook the meat the usual way you always cook it, with oil, onions and spices
-lay the kusa in the pan, stuff with the ground meat mix.
-add the bechamel sauce
-bake in the oven for at least half an hour on 180 degree oven
sprinkle with cheese on top to melt and become golden brown in color.
i hope this recipe will work out for you. please email me if you need any more details.
Thanks for coming by.

Blue Rose said...

Thanks summer for the recipe.. i tried it yesterday and it was AMAZING..
Actually all your recipes are delicious,please keep it up..

Mimi Cooks said...

Blue Rose, thanks for your comment! i am so happy the recipe worked out for you and it was a success!
thank you!