Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts

Jun 7, 2008

Fava Bean Dip-Fol Mudammas- فول مدمس

Fava beans are very popular in the Middle East. They are used fresh or dry and cooked into many ways. To prepare the dry fava beans, they have to be soaked overnight and then boiled until they are very soft. In restaurants , a special container is used to cook it in , on very slow heat until it is so soft that it becomes mushy. The soft beans are prepared into many recipes and dishes. It is usually eaten for breakfast or a meal throughout the day with additions of other condiments such as olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, hot chilies, tahini, eggs, tomatoes, onions, or plain. It is usually made into a dip and eaten with pita bread. Fava beans are very high in protein and it makes a inexpensive meal. Here is a list of a recipe that is popular in Palestine and Jordan. simple, easy, delicious and very filling. You may use canned fava beans too to make this recipe. Ingredients:
-One can of fava beans
-3 garlic cloves, minced
-Lemon juice

-Olive Oil
-Chili , green pepper
-Drain the fava beans, add olive oil and heat up for few minutes

-Cut chili peppers. Mince the garlic. Squeeze the lemons. Mix all together and add salt
-Mash the fava beans to your liking. Mix couple of table spoons of the beans. Stir well. -Arrange in a bowl or dish. Add more of the lemon sauce on top and drizzle olive oil on top -Serve with pita bread, spring onions and tomatoes on the side _______________________________________________________________________
الفول المدمس اكله شعبية جدا في الشرق الاوسط. يستخدم الفول الطازج او الجاف و يطهى في وصفات مختلفه. لإعداد الفول الناشف يجب نقعه في ماء طوال الليل ثم سلقه حتى يصبح طريا جدا لدرجه الهرس. في المطاعم , تستعمل قدر خاصه لسلق الفول على نار هادئه طوال الليل لتكون جاهزه في الصباح لوجبة الإفطار. يعد الفول بوصفات كثيره و اضافات عديده تناسب الذوق الشخصي مثل زيت الزيتون ، عصير الليمون والثوم والملح والتوابل الحاره ، طحينه ، البيض والطماطم والبصل . ألفول وجبه غير مكلفه و لكنها عاليه بالقيمه الغذائيه من البروتين, و هي مشبعه جدا. يقدم الفول المدمس كوجبه تُغمّس بالخبز العربي
مكونات الفول المدمس: علبة فول مدمس ثلاثة اسنان ثوم, مهروس عصير ليمون, فلفل حار مقطع ناعم , زيت زيتون و ملح الطريقة: أفتحي علبة الفول, صفّيها من السائل أضيفي قليلا من زيت الزيتون و سخنيها - يهرس الثوم والفلفل الحار ويوضع عليه عصير ليمون ليصبح تتبيلة لوجة صحن الفول, أضيفي الملح -يهرس الفول ويضاف اليه تتبيلة الليمون و الفلفل. يوضع الفول بصحن مناسب . يزين بمعلقتين من التتبيله, أضيفي زيت الزيتون على وجه الصحن. -يقدم مع الخبز العربي, البصل الأخضر و البندوره المقطّعه. يشرب الشاي الساخن مع وجبة الفول المدمس. صحتين!

Jan 13, 2008

Macaroni and Béchamel Sauce - معكرونه بالبشاميل

معكرونه بالبشاميل:
صلصةالبشاميل :
المكونات :
-- ثلث كوب طحين
-- 4 ملاعق كبيره من الزبده
-- 3 أكواب من الحليب
-- ملح حسب الذوق
-- رشه من جوزة الطيب
الطريقه :
1. حمّصي الطحين في القدرالى ان يصبح ذهبي اللون. هذه الخطوة تعطي الدقيق نكهه جميلة تشبه طعم المكسّرات
2. اضيفي الزبدة ، أمزجيها مع الدقيق على حراره منخفضه
3. أضيفي الحليب تدريجيا مع التحريك المستمر
4. إضافة الملح والفلفل حسب الذوق مع التحريك المستمر لمنع الخليط من التكتل. تصل الى سمك المرجوة. يمكنك ان تضيفي المزيد من الحليب اذا كان الخليط سميكا.
5. اضيفي جوزة الطيب

المعكرونة :
نصف كيلو غرام من اي معكرونه من اختيارك
جهّزيهاحسب التعليمات المرفقه على العلبه
صلصه الطماطم واللحم:
-- ربع كيلو من اللحم المفروم
-حبة بصل كبيره
- زيت الطهي
-1 ملعقه صغيره من كل من الزعتر البري المجفف والريحان المجفف
- ملح وفلفل اسود ، البهار حسب الذوق

يطبخ اللحم مع قليل من الزيت و يضاف البصل المفروم. تضاف إليها التوابل.
أخلطي اللحم مع معجون البندوره. أضيفي الماء الساخن ، أضيفي الاعشاب وأطبخيها لحوالى 20 دقيقه لتتسبك
تغلي المعكرونةحسب التعليمات على العلبه
ضعي طبقه من المعكرونه ثم طبقه من صلصة البشاميل و صلصة البندوره مع اللحم و أعيدي عمل الطبقات الى الأنتهاء من كل المواد
رشي الجلن المبروش على الطبقه العلويه من صينية المعكرونه.
أخبزي في فرن ساخن على درجة 200 مئويه الى حين تغيّر الوان الحلفه الى البني و الوجه مشوي بلون مشهّي.
قدميها ساخنه و صحتين

Macaroni and Béchamel Sauce
Béchamel Sauce:
- 1/3 Cup Flour
- 4 Tablespoons Butter
- 3 Cup Milk
- Salt to taste
- Sprinkle of Nutmeg
1. Cook flour until it becomes a golden color. This step gives the flour a nice nutty flavor
2. Add butter, melt over low heat flame and mix well with flour
3. Add the milk very gradually and blending thoroughly
4. Add salt and pepper to taste stir constantly to prevent the mixture from becoming lumpy until it reaches the desired thickness. You may add more milk depending on the consistency you are looking for.
5. Add the nutmeg

- ½ KG Pasta of your choice
- Boil according to cooking directions on the bag

Meat and tomato sauce filling:
-½ a pound ground beef
-1 large diced onion
-Cooking oil
-1 teaspoon each of oregano and basil
-Fresh parsley, optional
-Salt, black pepper, allspice to taste

Cooking directions:
-Mix the cooked beef with tomato paste, hot water, add the herbs and cook for about 20 or until the sauce has cooked taste.
-Add the meat sauce mix to the pasta
-I usually microwave it for about ten minutes, to give it this cooked taste.

Assembly of the dish:
1- In the baking pan, mix the half of the macaroni with 1 cup Béchamel Sauce- I add more than one cup, I like it creamy and full of the sauce flavor.
2- Add the mix of the tomato paste and the ground beef over the macaroni.
3- Keep on making layers of the macaroni, béchamel sauce and meat until you are done with them.
4- You may sprinkle the top with grated cheese of your choice.
5- Bake in a 350 Fahrenheit degree oven until the edges and the top turns golden brown color.
6- Serve hot.

Jul 12, 2007

Musakkaa- مسقعة الباذنجان

Musakkaa is a popular dish in the Mediterranean countries. I have listed a basic vegetarian version of this recipe here although there are different variations such as adding cooked ground beef or lamb, or mix cooked chickpeas, add green peppers, garlic or hot spicy peppers, depending on what you like in your dish.


-Two big eggplant peeled and sliced into ½ inch thickness
-Canola oil for frying
-1 medium diced onion
- 4 medium size diced fresh or canned diced tomatoes
- Small can of tomato paste
- Salt and black pepper to taste
-1/2 to 1 cup water


Peel eggplants and cut into
1 cm (1/2 inch) thick slices.
Brown lightly with oil on both sides, You may deep fry it too for faster results.
Remove from pan, drain from oil over paper towels.
Layer eggplants in
a shallow baking pan.
In another pot, sauté the diced onions
. Add the diced tomato, tomato paste, water, salt and pepper. This will be your sauce that you will add to the layered eggplant in the baking pan.Boil the sauce for about five minutes. It will continue cooking when you bake it with the eggplants.
Pour the sauce mixture over eggplants and spread evenly. Top with sliced tomato if you like.
Cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes in a 420-450
Fahrenheit degree oven (depending on your oven temperature) until the edges are turning brown and the tomato sauce looks and smells cooked!
You may remove the foil the last 5-10 minutes to brown the top .
Serve h
ot or at room temperature with white rice on the side.

May 24, 2007

Chinese Stir Fry And More

A lot of times I cook only vegetarian but my son complains and I feel that I have to make him what he I end up cooking two meals, one with meat or chicken and another strictly vegetarian meal.
Here are two recipes, one is vegetarian and one with meat.

A vegetarian potato stew with fresh cilantro and garlic and white rice on the side..A double carb meal but this is a very comforting meal, delicious too.
The second dish i cooked is:
Chinese stir fry with beef strips and noodles
Green salad goes well to balance out the nutritions.
Not too much explaining needed for the two recipes. Stir fry the veggies and the beef,
mix together with fresh ginger and garlic, cook noodles and mix all together. Make sure to use your choice of Soy sauce to complete the flavors.
The potato dish, lightly fry the potatoes, add chopped onions, garlic and spices to it, add water, cook until tender. Add fresh
Cilantro before serving.

Apr 8, 2007

Tomato Soup, White Beans And White Rice- شوربة بندوره-فاصوليه ناشفه

Cooking a very simple meal with what's available in the house is always the thing to do. An easy to cook and using what's in your pantry is always convenient . Three easy recipes: Tomato soup with noodles, white rice and a navy bean stew. All recipes are vegetarians but you may add meat or meat broth to it.
Recipe for tomato soup:1 medium size onion, chopped and sauteed with a little bit of cooking oil, 1 can of tomato paste, half a cup of thin noodles, Sh3rayyeh ,few cups of water or meat or chicken broth , salt and pepper to taste. All my recipes start with sauteing the onion until it is translucent. Add the diluted tomato paste, water, spices and bring to a boil then lower the heat until the tomatoe paste tastes cooked, about 20-30 minutes. Add the noodles the last 10 min of cooking and then add the seasoning, boil on low heat until the noodles are done. Enjoy!
Recipe for white beans stew with white rice on the side:
You may use dry white beans or canned ones. I usually use the dry ones. Soak them the night before with hot water and two teaspoons of Baking Soda, drain the next day, wash and boil in fresh water until it becomes soft but not mushy, then drain and wash. Saute' onions with oil, add tomato paste, add beans, water or meat broth, add salt and pepper and cook until it is done and tastes good. it should take about an hour. You may fry a little bit of crushed garlic and fresh cilantro and add it at the end of the cooking time to the bean stew. Add a table spoon of cumin when you turn the heat off. Serve it with white rice on the side. I usually make plain white rice or white rice with thin noodles. Enjoy!

Apr 2, 2007

Crustless Apple Pie- وصفة فطيرة التفاح

وصفة فطيرة التفاح
فطيرة ألتفاح ألكلاسيكيه وصفه ليست بالسهله, لكن هذه ألوصفه ليست معقده لأنها لا تحتوي على عجينه سفليه مما يجعل محتوى الدسم فيها أقل من ألوصفه ألكلاسيكيه و يختصر خطوات تحضيرها الى النصف تقريبا.
12-16 تفاحه, مقشرّه و مقطّعه شرائح متوسطة السماكه. أنا استعمل أي نوع تفاح موجود في السوق و أخلط ألأحمر مع ألأخضر.
نصف كوب سكر أبيض.
ملعقه صغيره قرفه. 2 ملعقه كبيره عصير ليمون .
واحد و نصف كوب سكر بني, يقسم الى نصفين.
كوب واحد طحين.
مقدار نصف كوب زبده مقطّعه مكعبات

قشّري التفاح و قطّعيه ألى شرائح و أخلطيه مع عصير ألليمون, نصف كوب السكر ألأبيض و القرفه. ضعيه في صينية
ألخبز. وزّعي الزبده ألمقطّعه فوق التفاح.
أخبزيها في فرن حرارته 200 درجه مئويه لمدة ساعه الى ساعه و ربع أو لحين يتشرب السائل من ألتفاح .
عند مرور نصف ساعه على ألوقت في ألفرن, أخلطي القرفه و السكر ألبني و الطحين. و
أفركيه بأصابعك حتى يشابه فتات ألبسكوت.
رشّي ألخليط فوق ألتفاح المطبوخ مع ألحرص على تغطية أتفاح بالكامل
أعيدي الصينيه ألى الفرن و اكملي عملية الخبز. حتى يصبح وجه الصينيه مائل الى اللون الذهبي.
قدميها دافئه مع آيس كريم ألفانيلا.

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This is a very easy recipe for Apple Pie..this one does not have crust which makes it light!! not too light but in a way lighter than the original recipe with crust on the bottom and top.This pie is very popular in my is about the only dessert I make because it is easy and delicious!
12-16 any kind apples sliced thinly, sometimes I use red and green ap
ples together. 1/2 cup Sugar. 2 teaspoon of cinnamon. 2 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice. 1.5 Cups brown sugar,divided, you may use regular sugar if you do not have any brown sugar. 1 Cup all purpose flour. 1/2 Cup (1 stick) Butter.
-Peel apples and cut into paper thin slices. Mix with the spices, sugar and
lemon juice -Pack as firmly as possible in 10" non stick pan -Combine brown sugar and flour, add cinnamon to the mix-Add cool butter cubes and cut until mixture resembles crumbs - Sprinkle mixture over apples and press firmly- especially at the edges to retain juice.- Bake in preheated, 350º F oven, 1-1/4 hour or until apples are tender and the top is golden brown...mine burned a little bit on the top but it was still delicious!
Serve with vanilla ice cream.
• Cover bottom of oven with foil for drips.

Mar 10, 2007

Lemon Chicken Breast- دجاج بالليمون

I got an email from one of my friends with this picture for a lemon breast chicken that looked really good. I thought I would share it with others who are forced into the kitchen several times a week. Cooking could turn into fun art too!! Here it is:
-1 whole chicken (weight is dependant on how many servings are required)
-1 large lemon, cut into halves. (The size of the lemon will detriment the size of the finished products...just like breast implants!)
-Spring of rosemary
-Salt and pepper to taste
-Butter or olive oil, whichever you prefer
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
Rub butter or oil over the skin of the chicken until it is completely coated .Take a knife and gently separate the skin from the breast meat; Slide lemon halves under the skin with the peel side up. This way the juice from the lemon will coat the breast. Season skin of chicken to your preference, place sprig of rosemary into the chicken. Cover and place in oven for 30-45 minutes. Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the bird.
If you've followed these steps correctly, your chicken should look like the one in the picture. I still have to make mine and I hope it comes out the same way this one did!! it should look very cute- or should I say sexy- sitting there on the dinner table!
Bon Appetit!

Mar 9, 2007

Kusa Ma7shi- Stuffed Zucchini-كوسا محشي

كميه تكفي ل 4 أشخاص
12 حبة كوسا متوسطة الحجم (1 كيلو)-

1 كوب رز مصري للحشي-

بصله متوسطه الحجم مقطعه-

نصف ضمة بقدونس مقطعه ناعم-
اربع ملاعق كبيره زيت طبخ-
ملح, فلفل أسود و بهار-
لصلصة البندوره:
علبة كبيره معجون البندوره , تخلط مع الماء حتى تصبح كافيه لتغطية الكوسا

أنقري ألكوسا و فرّعيه من اللب, أغسليه و صفيه.
أغسلي الرز و اخلطيه مع الزيت, البصل والبقدونس و الملح و البهارات.
أحشي حبات الكوسا بخلطة الرز. أتركي فراغ في الكوسا للسماح للرز بالتضاعف في الحجم.

ضعي الكوسا في القدر و اضيفي صلصة البندوره اليه.
غطي القدرو اغليه على نار عاليه ثم على نار متوسطه حتى ينضج الكوسا و الرز لمدة 45-55 دقيقه.
أرفعي الكوسا في صحن التقديم.
اسكبي المرقه في صحن غميق.

قدميه ساخنا و صحتين و عافيه

This is a vegetarian recipe, but you might add to the stuffing about half or less of ground beef or lamb, whatever suits your taste.
Stuffed Zucchinis or Stuffed Squash. Kusa Ma7shi:

One Dozen Zucchinis (or as much as you need to cook, make sure to modify the other ingredients too according to amounts)

One Cup uncooked short grain Rice (Egyptian rice) wash and drain.
Couple of diced tomatoes
One large chopped Onions

Finely chopped parsley
Cooking oil
Allspice , salt and pepper to taste

One large can of tomato paste, 16 ounces, diluted with enough water to cover the zucchinis, add salt and pepper to taste.
1.Core zucchini to make shells about 1/4-inch thick; be careful not to pierce. Rinse in cold water and drain.

2. In large bowl, mix rice, diced tomatoes, chopped onions, parsley, oil, allspice, salt and pepper.
3. Stuff zucchinis, leaving about 1 inch at top for rice to expand.

4. Place zucchinis in a deep pot, try placing them with open ends up.
5. Add diluted tomato paste, make sure the zucchinis are covered with the sauce.
6. Cover pot tightly and bring to a boil.
7. Simmer on medium heat until rice is done, for about 45 to 55 minutes.
8. Gently remove zucchini to a platter. Put the sauce in a bowl and serve together hot or at room temperature.
This meal is a favorite for young and old. Enjoy!

Feb 16, 2007

More Than One Recipe...All Delicious- اكثر من وصفة واحده

These are quick and easy recipes for the days when I have no idea what to cook!! these dishes make a great meal that is a very simple meal and a tasty one. Everyone loves a meal like this especially if they are tired of eating meat or chicken on a daily basis or even heavy food. By all means this is not a light meal in calories, or easy to prepare, but it looks light and sounds easy to prepare!
First recipe: chicken breast on wooden skewers:
wash and cut the chicken breast, spice it up anyway you like, thread into the already soaked in water wooden skewers and bake in the oven till tender and cooked.
Second recipe: Arabic salad, some people call it Jerusalem salad or peasant salad. It is just small cut tomatoes, cucumber, parsley and fresh or dry mint . You may add any greens you have around the house, also you may add a crushed clove of garlic , chopped onions or hot green peppers to spice it up, all depending on your taste. Add fresh lemon juice, olive oil and salt, let stand for half an hour before serving, this allows the flavors to develop nicely. Another variety for the dressing, you can make tihini dressing and mix it with the salad. Done!
Third recipe, the priest salad, or Salatet al Raheb, it is roasted eggplants, mash the inside of the eggplant with a fork or cut small, add to it small cut tomatoes and parsley, season with salt and lemon juice and olive oil for the dressing.

Fourth recipe: deep fried cauliflower and eggplants.Just cut and fry in a deep fryer until the color looks good to you, I do not add any breading to it. Great for sandwiches with the above salads. Once you take out of the fryer, place on paper towels to get rid of the extra oil, sprinkle with Salt, Sumac and Cumin.
Fifth recipe: oven fried potatoes, cut into thing slices, season with salt, black pepper, olive oil, you may add oregano if you like, place in a baking pan, bake for about half an hour in a very hot oven until it is crispy and nice in color. Enjoy!

Nov 30, 2006

To Die For Stuffing! حشوه الديك الرومي

Over thanksgiving holiday 2006 I made a stuffing that was to die for.
I just created this recipe according to flavors I wanted to mix together and thought that they will compliment each other and taste delicious. This recipe turned out to be a great success. Everyone loved it. If you are not into sweet and sour tastes together or having fruit flavorers in your dish, then do not try this recipe but if you are adventurous and like to try out new things, then I recommend you go for it.
For those of you who are in the Middle East, I am not sure if you will find wild rice or brown rice, but you can improvise and use different ingredients such as Freekeh
or Bulgur (burghul) or even using white rice would be fine.
Adjust the amounts according to the number of servings you want. this recipe will make A LOT of rice.
*One cup of wild rice
*One cup of brown rice

*One pound dry apricots, sliced into three to four slices each one. *Dry apricots expand in size when cooked.
*Half a pound raisins
*Half a pound dry cranberries, orange flavored ones work well with this mix
*One pound walnuts
*One pound slivered almonds
*One big diced white onion
*Four to five big carrots, sliced
*Four to five salary stalks sliced
*Canola oil
*Salt and black pepper to taste
*Cook the wild rice and the brown rice separately until tender.
I usually boil in water until it is half cooked, remember, it will continue cooking when you add the other ingredients to it. Set aside.
*Cook the onion, the carrot and the salary in the oil until tender and translucent.
*Add in the sliced apricots and raisins. Add the cooked rice. Season with salt and pepper.
*Mix the ingredients well and add a little bit of water, about half a cup and simmer on medium to low heat till the rice is fully cooked.
*Turn off the heat; add in the walnuts and the almonds, you may also add toasted pine nuts for garnish on top when the dish is plated.
*Serve hot or at room temperature. You may use this mix to stuff turkey or chicken with or eat by itself. Enjoy!

حشوه الديك الرومي
كميه تكفي ل 8 أشخاص
بأمكانك أن تحشي الديك الرومي بهذه الوصفه أو تقديم الطبق بجانب الدجاج او اللحم
حشوة الديك الرومي:
أعتمدت في هذه الوصفه على ذوقي الخاص في خلط مجموعه من انواع الرز و الفواكه المجففه و أضافة اللوز و كانت النتيجه رائعه.
كوب رز بني
كوب رز بري ( أن وجد)- يمكن الأستعاضه بأستعمال الفريك أو البرغل
نصف كيلو مشمش ناشف, مقطع الى 3 قطع للحبه
ربع كيلو زبيب ( كشمش)
ربع كيلو من ألتوت ألبري الناشف
نصف كيلو جوز (عين ألجمل)
نصف كيلو لوز مقطع
بصله كبيره مقطعه صغير
اربع جزرات مقطعه
اربع قطع كرفس
زيت طبخ
ملح و فلفل أسود حسب ألرغبه
أسلقي الرز نصف سلقه.
قلّبي البصل و الجزر و الكرفس بالزيت.
أضيفي المشمش الناشف و الزبيب وألتوت ألبري و الرز.
اضيفي الملح و الفلفل الأسودز قلّبي المواد تقليبا جيدا ثم أضيفي نصف كوب من الماء و غطي الأناء. أطبخي الوصفه على نار هادئه حتى ينضج الرز كاملا.
ارفعي القدر عن النار و أضيفي الجوز و اللوز و قلّبي جيدا.الطبق جاهز للتقديم و صحتين و عافيه!