Showing posts with label Tomato Sauce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomato Sauce. Show all posts

Dec 28, 2008

Stuffed Zucchinis With Tomato Sauce- كوسا محشي بصلصة البندوره

ألكوسا بصلصة البندوره من الأكلات المعروفه في المطبخ العربي و تُحضّر بكثره في أغلب البيوت العربيه. تتميّز هذه الطبخه بسهولة تحضيرها و طعمها اللذيذ و الخفيف.
تحضير الكوسا

- جوفي الكوسا بتفريغه من اللب بأداة الحفر الخاصة
وصفه الحشوه ، اخلطي المكونات التالية :
- كأس واحد من الارز
- ربع كيلو من اللحم المفروم ناعما
- بصله واحده مقطّعه الى مكعّبات صغيره
- ملح وفلفل الأسود و بهار
أحشي الكوسا بحشوة الارز واللحم. تذكري ان الحشوه ستتضاعف بالحجم, فلذا أحشيها الى الثلث فقط.
في آنية الطبخ, أضيفي الكوسا الى صلصة البندوره و الماء مع الملح و الفلفل ألأسود, أطبخي الكوسا لمدة ٤٥ الى ٥٠ دقيقه على نار متوسطه الى ان تنضج الكوسا و الحشوه استواء كامل بدون ان يفقد شكله المتماسك.
قدّميها ساخنه

Stuffed Zucchinis with tomato sauce is a very popular meal that is prepared in the Arabic kitchen. it is a light and delicious meal and easy to prepare if you have the hollowing tool and the right ingredients.
Preparation of the zucchinis:

-Hollow your zucchinis using the special tool
Stuffing recipe, mix the following ingredients:
-One cup rice
-½ ground meat (beef or lamb)
-One diced onion
-Salt, black pepper, allspice

Stuff the zucchinis with the rice and meat mix. Stuff only to about half or 1/3 of each the zucchinis, remember the rice mix is going to expand. In the cooking pot, add the stuffed zucchinis to tomato sauce and cook/ simmer on medium to low heat for 45-50 minutes or until soft but still holding its shape. Serve hot.

Stuffed Zucchinis With Tomato Sauce on Foodista

Nov 28, 2007

Macaroni And Meat With Tomato Sauce- معكرونه باللحمه المفرومه و صوص البندوره


معكرونه اي نوع من أختيارك

ربع كيلو من اللحم المفروم ناعم

بصله كبيره مقطّعه الى قطع صغيره

زيت طبخ
علبه متوسطة الحجم من معجون البندوره

1 ملعقه صغيره من الزعتر البرّي الجاف و الريحان
العذبة الشعير ، اختياري
ملح وفلفل أسود ، بهار حسب الذوق

- تغلي المعكرونةحسب التعليمات على العلبه. يطبخ اللحم مع قليل من الزيت و يضاف البصل المفروم. تضاف إليها التوابل.
- ضعي المعكرونه في صينية الطبخ

أخلطي اللحم مع معجون البندوره. أضيفي الماء الساخن ، أضيفي الاعشاب وأطبخيها لحوالى 20 دقيقه لتتسبك. في بعض الأحيان أستعمل فرن المايكرويف في طبخ الصلصه.
- أضيفي الصلصه و اللحم فوق المعكرونه و اخلطي جيدا.
- انثري الجبن فوق المعكرونه. يمكنك استعمال ي نوع جبنه سهلة الذوبان.

- أشوي وجه الصينيه حتى تصبح ذهبية اللون.

- قدّميها ساخنه.

½ a pound ground beef
1 large diced onion
Cooking oil
Tomato Paste
1 teaspoon each of oregano and basil
Fresh parsley, optional
Salt, black pepper, allspice to taste

-Boil your pasta. Cook the meat thoroughly with a little oil, add onions. Add spices to it. --Drain your pasta and put in your baking dish.
-Mix the cooked beef with tomato paste, hot water, add the herbs and cook for about 20 or until the sauce has cooked taste.
-Add the meat sauce mix to the pasta
-I usually microwave it for about ten minutes, to give it this cooked taste.
-Garnish with mozzarella cheese. broil the top until golden brown in color.
-Serve hot.

Nov 15, 2007

Kufta With Tomato Sauce And White Rice, كفته مع صلصه البندوره

وصفة بسيطة للغايه لطبق الكفته اللذيذ.


نصف كيلو لحم البقر او الضأن المفروم ناعم-

البقدونس المفروم يخلط مع البصل المفروم ناعم-

شرائح البصل

معجون الطماطم

الطريقه : - أخلطي اللحم المفروم مع البصل المفروم ، البقدونس المفروم والبهارات- البهار ، والملح والفلفل الاسود حسب الذوق, اضيفي ملعقتين من صلصة البندوره المعلّبه

ضعي الكغته في البراد مغطا ة حتى تختلط النكهات

بأمكانك اضافة الثوم , حسب الرغبه .

اشكّلي الكفته الى كرات شبيهه بحجم البيض

أقلي الكفته قليا خفيفا حتى يتماسك شكلها

أضيفي شرائح البصل و قلبيها مع الكفته حتى يصبح لون البصل ذهبي
. - ذوّبي معجون البندوره مع الماء و أضيفيه الى اللحم والبصل. - تضاف التوابل نفسها اللتي استعملتيها مع اللحم (البهار ، والملح والفلفل الاسود حسب الذوق) ، اغلي في البدايه على حراره عاليه ثم خفّضي الحراره و الغي ببطء لمدة لا تقل عن نصف ساعة ألى ان ينضج اللحم والصلصة يقدم مع الارز الابيض
A very simple recipe for this delicious dish.
-Half a kilo or 1.5 lbs finely ground lamb or beef.
-1 large onion diced small
-1 bunch of washed and finally chopped parsley
Mix all together to form the Kufta
-2 sliced onions
-12 OZ. can of tomato paste
-Prepare the m
eat, put in a large mixing bowl, add the chopped onions, chopped parsley and the spices (all spice, black pepper and salt to taste). Combine and mix thoroughly with your hands. You may add some garlic if you like, I do not.Place the bowl in the fridge covered with
helps flavors to blend. With your hands, Shape the meat into egg-sized balls of kofta and fry lightly so the meat holds its shape . Do not stir otherwise it will break apart. You may add some oil to the meat if it is too lean to the frying process.
-Add the sliced onions and saute' until it is golden in color.
-Add the tomato paste to the meat and onions. Add water to the sauce.
-Add the same spices you used with the meat (all spice, black pepper and salt to taste), let simmer on the stove top for at least half an hour or until the meat is done and the sauce looks, smells and tastes cooked.
Serve with white rice on the side. Enjoy!

Oct 9, 2007

Spaghetti And Spicy Sauce-معكرونه مع الصوص الحار

A delicious recipe for any type of Pasta with simple Tomato Sauce. easy to prepare, satisfying and loved by everyone.


-½ a pound spaghetti or any kind of pasta. You may add more depending on the number of people you are serving

-3 Large tomatoes, diced or a can of diced tomatoes
-2 tablespoons tomato paste
-3 tablespoons olive oil
-3 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
-One medium diced onion
-Hot chilies (hot green pepper)-of course the more you use the spicier it becomes
-3 tablespoons each fresh basil and oregano or 1 teaspoon dry basil or oregano-
Dry herbs are more concentrated in taste than fresh ones
-Salt and black pepper to taste
-Freshly grated cheese of your choice such as Parmesan or cheddar
Sauté the diced onions in the olive oil. Add the diced tomatoes and the hot pepper ; cook for few min to release the flavors. add the tomato paste with a little water. When the mix boils, lower the heat. Add basil, oregano , minced garlic, salt and pepper. Simmer for 25 to 30 min.
Boil your pasta, strain, add olive oil and salt to it. Add grated cheese on top.
Enjoy the pasta with the sauce. Serve with green salad and garlic bread on the side.

Sep 1, 2007

Kufta With Tomato Sauce- كفته مع صوص البندوره

This recipe is dedicated to meat lovers. You may use beef or lamb for the meat, depending on what you like. It is an easy dish to cook, filling and tasty. The ingredients should be enough for three or four people...or a meal for two days!

Ingredients and method to make the kofta (meat mix with onions and parsly):
*Half a kilo or 1.5 lbs finely ground lamb or beef.
*1 large onion diced small,
*1 bunch of washed and finally chopped parsley .
This meat mix is good baked in the oven with sliced potatoes and sliced fresh tomatoes, this is another way of cooking it.

You may use the food processor to cut up the onions and the parsley really fine.
If you live in the Middle East, it is easy to get the Kofta mix already made by any butcher shop
or your local supermarket.

To make this dish, you need 2 sliced onions, a 12 OZ. can of tomato paste.
Prepare the meat, put in a large mixing bowl, add the chopped onions, chopped parsley and the spices (all spice, black pepper and salt to taste). Combine and mix thoroughly with your hands. You may add some garlic if you like, I do not.
Place the bowl in the fridge covered with plastic
wrap.This helps flavors to blend. You may freeze the meat for future use or you may cook it the same day. Make sure that you do not re-freeze the meat.
With your hands,
Shape the meat into egg-sized balls of kofta and fry lightly so the meat holds its shape . Do not stir otherwise it will break apart. You may add some oil to the meat if it is too lean to the frying process.

Add the sliced onions and saute' until it is golden in color.

Add the tomato paste to the meat and onions. Add 1.5 cups of water to the sauce.

Add the same spices you used with the meat (all spice, black pepper and salt to taste), let simmer on the stove top for at least half an hour or until the meat is done and the sauce looks, smells and tastes cooked.

Serve with white rice on the side. Enjoy!

Jul 12, 2007

Musakkaa- مسقعة الباذنجان

Musakkaa is a popular dish in the Mediterranean countries. I have listed a basic vegetarian version of this recipe here although there are different variations such as adding cooked ground beef or lamb, or mix cooked chickpeas, add green peppers, garlic or hot spicy peppers, depending on what you like in your dish.


-Two big eggplant peeled and sliced into ½ inch thickness
-Canola oil for frying
-1 medium diced onion
- 4 medium size diced fresh or canned diced tomatoes
- Small can of tomato paste
- Salt and black pepper to taste
-1/2 to 1 cup water


Peel eggplants and cut into
1 cm (1/2 inch) thick slices.
Brown lightly with oil on both sides, You may deep fry it too for faster results.
Remove from pan, drain from oil over paper towels.
Layer eggplants in
a shallow baking pan.
In another pot, sauté the diced onions
. Add the diced tomato, tomato paste, water, salt and pepper. This will be your sauce that you will add to the layered eggplant in the baking pan.Boil the sauce for about five minutes. It will continue cooking when you bake it with the eggplants.
Pour the sauce mixture over eggplants and spread evenly. Top with sliced tomato if you like.
Cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes in a 420-450
Fahrenheit degree oven (depending on your oven temperature) until the edges are turning brown and the tomato sauce looks and smells cooked!
You may remove the foil the last 5-10 minutes to brown the top .
Serve h
ot or at room temperature with white rice on the side.